Monday, April 12, 2010


Here's my theory about Sunday nights in the E.R:

Scenario #1:

Those who have long boring board meetings first thing Monday morning come in with some kind of "back pain" or other "muscle pain" so that they can get some muscle relaxants. These will ensure that they cannot drive or operate any heavy machinery (i.e car). Thereby causing them to call into work Monday morning letting their boss, HR or some random employee that answers the phone know that they cannot make it in to work today. "Doctors orders"

Scenario #2:

Little Johnny is anywhere from 5-15 years old and is tired of being picked on at school by the bully. So he comes in with a "tummy ache"that turns out to be just a colon full of gas that could be eliminated with a nice loaded chili dog. But of course he milks it to the last drop of the teet and tells mom and/or dad he's just not well enough for school Monday morning.

Multiply those two scenarios by about....40, and there was the bulk of my weekend patients.

Now there WERE however, some of those that really needed to be there. Like the motorcycle accident with road rash at every bendable joint and skin chunks sliding around on the x-ray table.

Or the guy who de-gloved his forearm in an ATV accident. Those of you not familiar with "de-gloving", just imagine if your skin WAS the glove. Nastaayyy!!!

And do you ever work with a coworker who actually makes your job harder? You begin to ride a thin line of bipolarism. Trying to go from being pissed off at your co-worker to being compassionate to your patient.

All in a 32-hour work weekend!!


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