Okay soooo, Im a little late for my Monday posting LOL. First and foremost, the answer to the picture is: EARWAX...yes my blog buddies, that sticky yellow blob may just be lurking around YOUR ears too if you don't use Q-tips on the regular.
Hopefully this weekend will go smoothly and not start out like Saturday morning last weekend. Most of you probably weren't even up yet and I was getting hurled on. I mean, it was projectile vomiting! It looked like a scene from a scary movie where the person just opens their mouth and green (yes it was green) bile just flies out. I must be pretty talented at vomit dodging because I managed not to get a drop on my scrubs.
Needlessly to say, that was a precursor of my entire weekend. We were extra busy and I managed somehow to get in 26,896 steps in equaling 12.7 miles walked and 726 calories burned. So basically I burned off the calories I ate for the day. So tell me again why I joined a gym for a 3 year contract? Hmmmm...
Well, can't blog long today, baking cookies soon and my sister is visiting me next week from NY. Gotta get cleaning and set a good example. (ha)